I wanted a meter that recorded lumens so I bought this. What a mistake. I cane seem to find the lumen scale.
I wanted a meter that recorded lumens so I bought this. What a mistake. I cane seem to find the lumen scale.
Spent 1/2 wasting my time trying to get this paid app to work. Went to sent message to developer. Message feature timed out. Supposed to measure lumens-could only get lux and foot candels to show up.
Nothing. Doesn’t work. Waste of a couple bucks
Crapy app wish I had my money back
How do you get it to measure in Foot candles?
Somewhat clunky operation, but works after some effort. Worth below average but will give 3 stars.
I am a 28 year safety professional and had a need to get a light level fast and did not have my expensive meter on me that day So I bought this app it did give me high level of accuracy as a few days after I checked the results with my meter all were within 1% of this app AMAZING accuracy for just a few dollars I note some giving bad review I say to them one thing you are not using it correctly read up on how to check light levels
App does not seem to work consistently though when it does it is dead on.
Won’t go above 0.
Locks up constantly.
When compared measurements to high dollar footcandle meter, app is horribly inaccurate
Testing moderately dimmed indoor lighting and reading won't go above 0 unless it's within a foot of the light source.
Waste money for an app that does not work. Looks scam to me.
on my IPhone 6Plus.
Intuitive and easy to use. Don't know how absolutely accurate it is but great for comparing different light sources.
Concise interface,intuitive and easy to use,especially the attention to detail is good,for example,front,back,indoor,outdoor.Especially in the outdoors, I can see the display readings. After more than 10 days of use, this app runs properly, without any failure. Perfect app!
The software is great, I usually use it to measure the light in the room, I will introduce people to use it. Thank develop
This is a so great app that could measure. You can use it in your pocket. Full rating app! And it has a special and excellent design. I like it!
I wanted the convenience of having a light meter on me at all times. I have compared it to my professional meter and found it is 3-5% high when 3 feet from light source and 10-15% high when 5' or more away. Still offers a good ball park reading any time I want one. Great value for the price.
The meter doesn't work.
I bought this for my grow room and it is accurate AF! Just as good as a $80 machine. I'm thankful I found this before I left the house to go buy one.
I'm a projectionist as well as a photographer and find it very useful for matching screen brightness in widescreen blends.
Not accurate at all..just waste of time & money..
This app was to check lighting but found the db meter helpful as well
I really like the way this tool works. They say That if you design something well, you don't need to write a book about it. This tool may not be NIST traceable but if you have a nice modern iPhone like my 6 plus, it is truly great IMO. Very useful to me as a machine vision guy.
I needed this to measure low light but unfortunately it's not sensitive enough to tell the difference from one low light situation to another. I would like a refund if I can get it!
Currently this app will not do anything on iPhone 6/6s. Do not waste your money until it is fixed.
App doesn't work
Doesn't work.
I put it side by side with a calibrated light meter and it's off by 20%
Does not read correctly, when setting next to a lux reader, the right lux will say 21,000 lux, and this app will say 200. Not sure if its right.
Supposed to measure footcandles, but it is not apparent how to enable that feature.
I like a lot this app, no so expensive and works nice. The real time measurement does not works so good as the individual shots but is ok anyaway.
It's a light meter. It's not an app for ego support. Push a button, get the reading, and get on with your life.
My X-Rite Colormunki was reporting a low measure of lumens in what I thought was a fairly bright area. I purchased this app to see if the reading matched my Colormunki ambient light measure and it was within 30 lumens. I’d say this is fairly accurate.
This app is not accurate or consistent. I'm not sure what we are paying for. Very disappointed. Please don't waste your money.
Measure the same light from the same spot and distance and the readings will jump all over the place. Like another user said, it would be somewhat useful if the readings were consistent even if inaccurate for comparisons, but it's about as effective as a random number generator.
I tried this app in my bathroom with the door shut and lights off, pitch black. Sure enough, it reported 100 lux, the same as it was showing for my living room during the day. Walk away from this app.
I was given a really neat manual camera lens for Xmas and thought this app would be helpful. Turns out I have no idea how to convert lux into useful photography information. The internet definitions are like taking a math course. I'm an artist not a mathematician.
Not accurate either. Measured lux of a solid black object held up in contact with the lens and got a reading of 47 LUX. Good for relative readings and for taking your money. Toy.
Your app keeps shutting down with a second It's a rip off scam
Compared to a Extech lux meter, readings from this app were at least 30% off. It might be good for comparative readings, but that about all.
So is it a spot meter or an incident meter? And how do you get a stop ratio with the lux system?
I held the app to a light and got a reading. Then I did it again. Guess what? Completely different reading. I tried this on several lights and got the same result. It might be okay if the reading was wrong but consistant. At least then I could compare some of the new light bulbs that are on the market. This app is junk; a game. Don't waste your money.
If you really need a light meter don't waste your money on this. Iphones use spot metering, a real lux meter uses inversed diffused light. Not possible to be accurate, or even close. Side by side with a real meter it's clear that this is a total ripoff. Might be useful to make yourself look cool, as a gag.
Lights on or off the readings are almost identical!
I was trying to read the lumen output of a 23,000 lumens metal halide bulb, this app claimed it was 54 lux, which would be 5 lumen per square foot. Not accurate, not a real measuring devices. It just claims a random number. Not even close.
I compared with output of professional light meter. Took 10 readings between 0.5 and 100 lumens. The average difference between the light meter app and the professional instrument was 35 lumens. I question the validity of the reviews that claim this app is accurate. This app is a scam.
Tested side by side with a calibrated meter. Calibrated meter read 450 lux. This app measured 230. It should be illegal to call this a calibrated meter. I knew that was incorrect but did not expect the app to be entirely worthless. I feel I was lied to and stolen from.